Tribute To Grandfather

Tall  Gentle  Eagle-Eyed
Patiently Waiting For The Tide To Subside

Dutiful  Kind  Ever-Mindful
Respecting Traditions Of All Humankind

Devoted And Prayerful  Self-Forgetful
Attentive To All Who Came Respectful

Pipe-Carrier  Wise Elder  Giver of Gifts
Enchanter  Dream-Maker  Host Extraordinaire

Connecting Us All  Devotees Who Came
To Stand In Awe In Miracle's Name

Telling The Story To All Who Would Hear
Patiently Serving Year After Year

And Now He Has Gone
Leaving Only A Tear

"All My Life I Wanted To Go To Mardi Gras.
Now Mardi Gras Has Come To Me."

Her Father Gave His Life For Her

Our Grandfather Has Given His Life For Us

What Will We Do With His Precious Gift?

-- For Grandfather Gerry--
with eternal Love and Gratitude
for your Special Role
in the Miracle Play
at the Heider Farm in
Janesville, Wisconsin

-Phyllis Thorpe
February 10, 2005