Update on Miracle,
The Information
in Words and Pictures....
January, 2001
Webmaster Notes After Personal Visit to Miracle

Miracle resides in one of three pastures with her newest calf, Lady , and her enormous, continuously attentive and protective mate (JYDB), and several of her half-sisters with their calves.  She is certainly recognizable by her demeanor.  She is particularly regal, alert, and strongly focused.  Clearly she seems know who she is and what she represents.  The other buffalo readily move out of her way whenever she approaches the food, water, or other source of interest.  She is most definitely not tamed (actually there isn't ever such a thing as a truly tame buffalo, even when attempted) and people are not allowed into her pasture for their own safety.  Her bull, JYBD, wouldn't allow it anyway.  He is extremely protective of Miracle and normally moves between her and the fence if anything unsettles him or anyone tries to get too close to Miracle.  The fence is electrified for everyone's protection.

Miracle is in great shape, no limp, and fully recovered from the toe abcess and bone removal in September, 1999. That, in itself, is miraculous since apparently buffalo do not normally survive aenesthetic.  Although many attempts were made, she refused to be loaded for the trip to the university vet hospital.  Finally, the Heiders decided she knew what she was doing in not wanting to leave the land and her home.  They ended up doing the rare surgical procedure right on the farm with the local vet in consultation by phone with a specialist in Canada.  Even so, it cost the Heider family $5,000 out of their pocket to save her life.  They did this, and do what they do, because they believe Miracle is a gift to be shared with the hearts of all people.

After her surgery and during the subsequent healing, Miracle turned completely brown again.  Valerie Heider said she believed this was so that Miracle would be camouflaged in the herd in safety while recovering.  Now Miracle has begun her color changes again.  The top of her head is very, very red and the fur across her neck and shoulder hump is quite blonde.  There is some black on her face and the rest of her body is varying shades of brown.  Her eyes are a deep, warm, cinnamon color.

Her new calf, Lady, was born August 18, 2000.  Lady was very blonde at birth although she, too, has darkened some as she has aged.  Now tan and brown, she is still lighter in color than any of the other calves.  She is beautiful, very sweet tempered, and has the same head conformation as her mother.  Lady is still nursing of course, and jumps, runs, and stiff-leggedly romps as only a buffalo calf can do.

JYBD was the sire of both of Miracle's calves.  Miracle's first calf, Millennium, was much more orangish-gold at her birth in 1998 than Lady.
Millennium, too, is doing well and may be pregnant with her own first calf and Miracle's first grand-calf !

-Stephanie M. Schwartz , Webmaster    January, 2001
Miracle with her Second Calf,
"Lady Miracle"
aka, "Lady"
Born August 18, 2000
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